Elie Casamitjana

Product | Strategy | Execution | Leadership & Impact Entrepreneurship

Speaker Name

Elie is founder and MD of ikiōm. He helps leaders and founders through actionable consulting in innovation, product, and strategy. He has more than 10 years’ experience in Product Management, Go-to-market, Strategy, Strategic Marketing, Organisation design, Strategic Planning, OKR, Portfolio, Delivery and Program. In his career, he launched, grew and managed product lines at global level. He designed, recruited and grew various product and program teams, ran various transformation initiatives and rolled out OKR across various organisations. As founder, investor or mentor, Elie also actively contributes to tech entrepreneurship initiatives addressing sustainable development.

How do you merge data-driven and customer-driven?

They complement each other. A lot can be said about each of them and both of them together. In short, you can leverage data to rationalize your understanding of a situation, facilitate dialogue and make informed decisions. You can do all of this by putting the customer of the center of what you do, correlating your success with theirs. And finding ways to measure it with data.
Typ Title Speaker(s) Company Year
Vortrag Data-Driven Culture For High Impact Products

Elie Casamitjana ikiom.com WP 2021